Friday, June 20, 2008

Wakey wakey

Hello everyone! It's been a while that the clubs been.. umm... sleeping... but its time to wake up, shake off all the cobwebs and get active again.

First up, i'm happy to say that Leader's Club is joining Leo and many other clubs in the 'Joint Charity Campaign' (we're calling it that until we get the official name) to raise funds to help out the victims of the recent disasters in China and Myanmar.

The first meeting to get the ball rolling was this morning and the next one is scheduled for next wednesday. From the general outline we've got so far, we'll be having a week-long 'warm-up' events from the 21st of july which culminates in a 'Carnival Day' on the 25th of July. Many events are being planned so members who are interested in helping out please get in touch with the committee.

Also, don't forget that our next meeting is planned for the 4th of july, probably 1pm or 2pm. we'll be discussing our 'main event' for the club and a few other things that need attention. Exact details will be up later.


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